When a puppy enters our lives there are always many things to think about and to be prepared for. The education of your dog is important, that’s why it’s good to know what you should teach your dog.
What you should teach your dog according to age
Puppies, like children, need time to learn how to behave properly. It is right that from an early age they learn what is right and what is not, but it will take a lot of patience. Not all the teachings, in fact, will be learned by the dog immediately but some rules will be imposed as your furry friend will grow up. After a few days the puppy will have already learned to recognize your voice and then you can proceed with the first teachings. Among the essential rules there is certainly the one related to potty training. First, place the sleeper in the right spot and try to encourage the puppy. When the result is obtained, reward it!

Another important rule is “no”. Since from the beginning, in fact, the dog must learn to listen and understand this command. With the first walks on the leash, then, the puppy will learn to listen to your voice, at the beginning he will be a bit lost but slowly he will follow your commands. You can also start to get it used to being alone at home: proceed gradually, first going away for a short time (half an hour) and then gradually increasing. Before going out, use your hand to tell him to wait. For the first few times he might be a little anxious, but after seeing you coming back, he will calm down.
When you should teach your dog the commands
It is right to teach obedience to your little dog but at the right time. A puppy of two months will have little autonomy to listen to rules and commands, while by growing up, it will be more prone to learning. Obviously, the breed also has a great influence. In any case, you can start with the first commands when it is around three or four months of age, but only for a very limited time (no more than 10 minutes). Always encourage the puppy without stressing it, but on the contrary, with enthusiasm and with some rewards. During the learning moments do not shout or raise your voice too much, always keep a calm attitude. Your dog will gradually learn the basic but fundamental commands: sit, down, stay, come. And let’s not forget the evergreen “high five”! Education, as said, is very important for the dog but also for yourself. Often in fact the lack of rules leads to a wild dog, not respectful and difficult to manage. So yes to the rules but without stress!