The satellite collars for dogs to follow represent an excellent innovation in an activity that has a centuries-old tradition. Dogs of this type have the task of sniffing and following the traces left by the prey sniffing the smell and then collaborate with their human making sure that the target is directed towards him. It is a team game that is not always simple and in the excited phases it can also cause you to lose sight of your four-legged companion.
GPS collars for tracking dogs
The satellite collars for hunting dogs face this problem giving to the four-legged furry dog the possibility to ‘communicate’ its position, the direction in which it is running, in short a whole series of information that the hunter can consult directly in their hand and move, therefore, consequently both for the good end of the hunting activity and to keep, under control his own dog and avoid that it moves away or hurts itself.
The wide spaces in the open nature are not those delimited in which usually live the dogs. When you dedicate yourself to the hunting, the dogs have way to run, to move between trees and grass, and without the satellite collars for dogs to follow you can easily lose sight of them.

How GPS Collars Work
With these devices, finding your dog will be child’s play, since in addition to mounting a GPS module that obviously takes care of the localization, there are special devices aimed at refining the calculation of the position and at the same time guaranteeing that the communication between collar and receiver is always fast without too many delays. We are talking about the live tracking function that allows you to visualize the position of your dog directly on the map as well as its movements, thus deducing its direction and speed.
To this must be added that of the so-called virtual fence that allows you to define via software an area of the map in which we believe that the dog can move freely (because maybe we can always have an eye on him), but if it exceeds the boundaries so delineated we would be immediately notified in order to immediately start with the search.
Some of the most recent satellite collars for tracking dogs combine the functions of localization with those of monitoring the dog’s activity to get a general idea of its state of health.