The price of collars in hunting is very exorbitant so look for a satellite for dogs to stop less expensive is something very common among those who decide to practice this sport with their four-legged companion. The most popular collars in this field cost several hundred euros and obviously exceed a thousand when there is to keep more than one dog under control, it is easy to understand how they are not devices accessible to everyone.
In order to work properly, the collars for hunting dogs typically used have a collar with GPS antenna that performs the task of connecting to satellites to determine the position and a terminal that acts as a receiver and that allows essentially to display on a topographic map those coordinates calculated by the collar. Communication between the two devices is usually via radio frequencies which are not always free and not always authorized. This aspect, the presence of proprietary offline maps together with other factors makes the price of the kit rise considerably compared to other solutions that we could define as more commercial.

Efficacy of commercial satellite monitoring for dogs
These devices are suitable for monitoring the dog in a home environment as well as in more wild environments and that make the price a great strength. The first aspect that immediately jumps to the eye is the absence of a special terminal to display the position of the animal. This is completely replaced by our smartphone. Nowadays everyone has a smartphone and all are equipped with basic technology that serves to communicate with the collar, Bluetooth, Wi-fi and an internet connection are more than enough to replace the receiver allowing you to view real-time maps that we commonly use to find the location of the dog. It is a very simple and economical solution for the end user. We are talking about a few tens of euros, on average between fifty and one hundred. Something very convenient compared to the costs that we have prospected at the beginning of the articles and that make therefore of these collars of last generation the least expensive satellite for dogs to be able to purchase without having to renounce any functionality.