Amazon is definitely a good place to buy a GPS tracker for cats, since you can find different solutions to choose from both in terms of price and functionality. In reality, over time the most common “mass market” tracking devices for pets have come to mimic each other very closely, and any differences do not really represent objective pros and cons but rather represent choices made by the manufacturer – either to offer that extra feature for a higher price or in exchange for a subscription for example, or decide to keep prices lower.
In the world of cats, buying an Amazon GPS cat tracker is not yet a widespread choice. Rather, it is something that began to take hold especially in the world of hunting dogs, and which has gradually become more widespread among pet owners. This is thanks to the technological developments that have taken place in the field of tracking devices, making this technology much more accessible both in terms of price and energy consumption.

How the GPS tracker for cats works
The modules present in an Amazon GPS cat tracker are not so different from those used in smartphones. Indeed the efforts made to allow them to be implemented in all mobile phones, even the lower-end ones, and to ensure that the use of geolocation services does not affect battery life, have made it possible to create Amazon GPS tracker collars for cats with reduced size and consumption, suitable for applying to the collar of a medium-sized cat. For some smaller felines and for cats that do not take kindly to wearing a collar of any size, there are also harnesses that may be more comfortable. In general however the Amazon GPS tracker can easily be applied to the collar of a cat weighing at least 4 kg without seeming bulky or annoying.
Much also depends on the personality of the cat, but in principle today it represents a miniaturised and functional solution, especially since it is even more difficult to find a cat than it is to find a dog once one has gone missing. Whether your cat is used to being at home but suddenly finds itself on the street for the first time, or whether they are accustomed to the outside world but have lost their way home, these are animals which get very frightened in unfamiliar environments, and thus tend to remain silent in their chosen hiding place. Without an Amazon GPS tracker it could be difficult to find your pet even if they had not gone very far.