Determining the price for a GPS for dogs is not an easy task, every brand offers different specs and performances. In determining it we have to thoroughly consider the cost of the app subscription and the quality of the device. Our friend’s wellness is more important than saving money.
How much does a GPS for dogs cost?
You can find different models of GPS for dogs on the market. Collar in-built devices usually are more expensive and less efficient than the ones you can stick to the collar (which usually cost between 50 and 100 euros, you can buy a very efficient device with this budget). We highly recommend to focus on quality rather than price when buying a GPS for dogs.
Are there any additional costs when I buy a GPS for dogs?
When you buy a GPS for dogs you have to add the app subscription cost. GPS for dogs without a subscription have a very limited reach, they can also be super expensive and you cannot split the expenses in the quarter, as it is possible to do when you match the device on the dog collar and your smartphone. When you buy a GPS for dogs you always get a sim card to locate you puppy, wherever it is.

How much does Kippy EVO cost?
Kippy EVO device costs 79 euros (except when it is on a special offer) and it uses three different technologies to help you monitoring your dog every time. You have to add to the sticking GPS cost the subscription cost, which comes in different solutions. Basic package is 7.99€ per month and it offers 10.000 localizations, then you will find unlimited packages such as premium, ultimate and supreme, which last respectively a year (4.99€ per month), two year (4.16€ per month with a multilingual customer care service integrated), 5 year (3.33€ per month with a multilingual customer care service integrated).