The first thing you do, often, when you adopt a puppy, is to teach them – dog or cat – not to run away. The reason is simple: a possible escape of the dog or cat can represent a serious problem, for their safety and for those around us. Let’s see, therefore, what to do in case of a lost dog or cat, and how to teach our four-legged friends to respect certain rules to live daily life happy, and worry-free.

I lost the dog: What should I do?

The gate is open, probably what you wouldn’t have wanted, happened. Call, look… but it’s not here. First of all, don’t panic: it may be that, simply, it has moved away from your sight! If after a few minutes of searching your dog, it doesn’t return, you can put into practice immediately some gestures:

  • Try to figure out when it left and which escape route it used, so you can also identify its possible movement habits.
  • Call your dog, but without your voice betraying anxiety or anger: if it is nearby, it will be able to hear your voice and understand that there is nothing threatening in the tone you are using.
  • Try to involve your neighbors or family members in the search for your dog, so you can divide up a small area to search in.

When to make the dog’s bewilderment complaint

Your dog ran away, the hours pass, but it’s not coming back. Your concern will be well-founded if it’s been at least 12 hours. In this case, you can make a complaint of the dog’s loss, so that authorities and bodies can protect you and help you in the search. Here’s how:

  • If your dog has a tattoo, and is therefore registered, report his disappearance to the local sanitary company in your area or contact your veterinarian, who will be able to help you;

Not only that. Here, meanwhile, what you can do in case of dog lost for a few hours now:

  • Spread the word: You can attach flyers with a photo and description of your dog with the date and place of disappearance, specifying whether it has a collar, name tag, or tattoo. You can also run an ad on web platforms or in local newspapers and your area.
  • Contact kennels: go to the collection and reception centres for dogs and cats and see if they have found your dog; also, if your municipality has an office dedicated to the protection of animals, contact them.

Lost cat: what to do in these cases?

When it is our beloved feline who escapes, so sly and lover of its home habits, anxiety and concern rise. Cats, indeed, behave differently from dogs. Why do cats run away? Our feline friends often walk away for various reasons, because:

• follow their reproductive instincts, even if castrated;

• following a transfer to a new home, as well as the arrival of other animals or new-borns, the cat may feel neglected or simply want to explore the environments around it.

What to do, then, to not get your cat away from its safe environment?

• keep some catnip at home, to mitigate the smells that can attract your kitty: cat grass, now, can also be found in supermarkets;

• When you’re not at home, always leave some food and water within its reach;

• You know, the cat is an animal that loves cleaning in the areas where it transits: try, therefore, to always keep the litter clean, so that your kitty is not obliged to try to go out and look for a more orderly place;

• In case of puppies, above all, close the fissures of the gates with a dense net: here is how to prevent the cat from running away.

• Not in all regions is there a feline registry, unfortunately, but if you have the chance, equip your cat with a microchip.

Gps for dogs and cats: a help in case of loss

Educating our animals so that they are not exposed to danger is certainly useful and, after a few weeks of patient exercise to learn simple dog commands, you will be able to obtain the first results in terms of… Obedience.

A help, in these moments, can come from the GPS device for cats and dogs Kippy: its History function will show you the locations of your animals contained in the Kippy Vita app up to two months. Here you will find gps points, represented by blue pins, sorted chronologically. Click on a single pin, and get the date and time of the selected location. In addition, Kippy also works in the absence of GPS, thanks to the location via telephone cells: these points, called LBS, are represented by transparent green circles that locate your cat’s location.

In addition, the History function also has a “calendar” key: it selects a date, and displays the localization of that specific day. You can, therefore, view the locations on that specific day. Finally, you’ll be able to see the full history of the full GPS points on the web app